EULA: 3D PokerBandit

Realistic german 3D Poker gambler machine

Software: 3D PokerBandit

The program and the documentation are copyright protected. 

Warranty and non-liability: 

The software was carefully created and tested by the author.
Nevertheless it can quite be that still errors are contained.
The author does not guarantee the suitability of the software
for a certain application or a certain configuration.
The author does not transfer any adhesion or guarantee for errors
in the software and errors and damage, which result from the use 
or inability for the use of the software. This includes the loss 
of trading profits, the interruption of the business operational 
sequence, the loss of data as well as all remaining material and
idealistic losses and their damages and applies even if the author 
expressly to the possibility of such damage one referred before. 
The author is likewise not liable for by viruses, itself, the 
developed damage more widespread over the software equal to which type. 
The user uses the software on own risk. 

The user explains with the use of the software his agreement with o.g. 
Use conditions as well as the warranty and non-liability. 

It is not permitted to change or process the software in its function 
or its appearance to decompile or disassemble. 

All for third protected customs names, trade name, registered trade mark, 
entered registered trade marks etc. are recognized. The absence of an 
appropriate indication in the software and the documentation does not 
mean that it concerns a free name in the sense trade mark legislation. 

Multiplies, copies or a spreading of this Program(SHAREWAREVERSION), all
the same by which media, is expressly desired! 

All rights reserved by the program author Bernd Karle, Müllheim. 

Bernd Karle 
Blauenweg 6
D-79379 Müllheim 