Press release: AD Picture Viewer

Publisher: Abroad Design

VIEW AND MANAGE YOUR DIGITAL PHOTO COLLECTION EASY For Immediate Release Abroad Design has released AD Picture Viewer 3.9.1, the compact but powerful image viewer that makes it easy to view, manage, print and modify your digital photo collections. AD Pictrue Viewer supports over twenty five graphics formats, including all major formats, such as JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP and others and has two viewing modes: manual image viewing and automatic slide show. The program includes a flexible file manager that allows you to manage image files with ease. The Disk Browser option allows you to search your hard disk for images. AD Picture Viewer advanced options allow you to not only view images one by one, but also create picture view lists (kind of playlists for sound files) that can be saved on your hard disk for later use. You can also force the program to show you the images in a certain folder and it"s subfolders with a single mouse click. The program includes a batch rename tool that will help you to create series of images with similar names and define rules for the image name generation. With the Image Description module you can add text notes to images and later view them when you are viewing pictures in the program or managing picture view lists. The program even contains image editing options allowing you to add special effects to your graphics, such as rotating, flipping, antialiasing, blur and so on. AD Picture Viewer will work on all Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP computers starting from Pentium with 32MB RAM and required less than 2MB of disk space. # # # Contact address for editors: Michael Nilov Info URL: Download evaluation version: Screenshot URL: Full version for editorial review is available on demand