EULA: ALLConverter to iPhone Portable

Free Converter to iPhone/iPod

Copyrights 1992-2009. All Rights Reserved.

By clicking the acceptance button or installing any version of the software, you consent to be bound by and become a party to this agreement. If you do not agree to all of the terms of this agreement, click the button 
that indicates you do not accept the terms and do not install the software.

Artur Majtczakr warrants that he is sole owner of ALLConverter and that he has full power and authority to grant this licence herein without consent of any other party.

Disclaimer of warranty

Each user expressly agrees that use of the software is at the user's sole risk. The author does not warrant that the software will be error free; nor does he make any warranty as to the results to be obtained from the use of the software. The software is distributed on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title, non-infringement or implied warranties of 
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise. Neither the author nor anyone else involved in creating, producing, or delivering the software shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or 
consequential damages arising out of use of the service or inability to use the service or out of any breach of any warranty or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action 
based upon contract, negligence or other tortious conduct, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the software.

Licence regulations

1. Modification of a file that belongs to the Allconverter package is strictly prohibited !

2. Disassembling, reverse engineering, translation, patching, hacking, or cracking of this program (including its associated files), as well as distribution of any material that encourages or assists in any of these 
activities is strictly prohibited.  Any violation against this rule constitutes copyright fraud and may be subject to prosecution under copyright law.

Distribution is non-commercial if it is for free; or by any not-for-profit organization; or by hobby, user or computer interest group to its members; or by any BBS or Internet site that does not charge users for distributing the software.  

Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in the Software and all its earlier and future versions shall remain to the owner. The Software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and by international treaties. Title and related rights in the content accessed through the Software is the property of the applicable content owner and is protected by applicable law. The license granted under this Agreement gives you no rights to such content.
This Agreement and the licence granted hereunder will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the limitations described herein.