
United Kingdom
1 Wellington Gate Hale Village
P: +44 151 425 2761
Website: http://abettor-clipboard.com
Email: support@abettor-clipboard.com

Abettor-Clipboard can copy and store up to 500 different clips, text or graphic. It has a superb encryption system which allows you to sign in to all your web sites safely while only having to remember one master password as well as allowing you to send and recieve safely encrypted emails. You can also allocate hot keys or macros to clips and paste them directly from your keyboard. The multitude of options include, auto-minimize after pasting, clearing the Windows clipboard, editing clips, reducing graphic clips, pasting your digital photos and editing and pasting screen shots.

Publisher’s software


Free Multi-Clipboard manager for Windows.

Windows | 6.10 | 11 December 2015