2D and 3D CAD Editor built on OpenGL and OpenGL ES

Press release: AutoQ3D CAD

Publisher: AutoQ3D Team

2D and 3D CAD Editor built on OpenGL® API and OpenGL® ES API AutoQ3D Team is pleased to introduce a fast and light CAD editor that let you draw in 2D & 3D in any platform. It is built using OpenGL® API and OpenGL® ES API and runs on Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows and Linux systems. It is intended to be used to draw rapid projects or rapid prototypes drawings. It is for everybody interested in 2D and 3D CAD as professionals, sketchers, architects, engineers, designers, students and more. Surfaces support and 3d formats like STL, OBJ, DXF and native 3DQ with textures. Within the basic features are the following: ·Drawing Tools ·Edit Tools ·Preset Views ·View Tools ·Modify Tools ·Snap Tools ·iCloud support (Apple devices) ·4 Viewports support (Mac, Windows and Linux) ·Printing Tools (Mac, Windows and Linux) Useful links: Company website: www.autoq3d.com Application specific page: www.autoq3d.com YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/user/autoq3d Twitter account: @autoq3d Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pages/AutoQ3D/209393272458368

Source: http://autoq3d.com/autoq3d-cad-for-the-ipad-iphone-mac-android-windows-and-linux