Bank2CSV offers a single application for all your bank, credit card transactions

Press release: Bank2CSV

Publisher: ProperSoft

Bank2CSV offers a single application for all your bank, credit card transactions Wouldn"t it be great if you had a single application that opened all your financial files? That day isn"t somewhere in the distant future. With Bank2CSV Converter, you can open all your bank and credit card files quickly and easily. Bank2CSV is a handy and powerful application that allows you to convert your bank and credit card files to a single, easily viewed format. The application works with Quicken, QuickBooks and MS Money. It converts files with suffixes of .OFX, .QFX, .QIF, .QBO and .OFC. It"s also Excel compatible. It works with Microsoft Windows 7, XP and Vista. You"re in control of all changes and you get to see the transactions before conversion. Transactions include important details such as date, account, description and amount. You can export data to CSV format, and it"s been tested in major spreadsheet applications such as Excel and OpenOffice. If you"d prefer, you can also copy the information to the clipboard and paste into a spreadsheet application. The pro version has additional features you"ll find especially useful. All your source data is converted into readable columns and you can download as many files per month as you like. You can append additional fields to those already loaded and you have an unlimited number of undo points. You can even customize currency and date output formats. Two versions of Bank2CSV are available. You can download the free version for home use online. The pro version is more appropriate for professional and business use. If you have the free home version and want the full-featured edition, you must upgrade to the pro version of the app. Bank2CSV is a product of ProperSoft, a small software company based in Canada. For more information or to download the free version of Bank2CSV, go to
