BoxedApp Blog

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Publisher: Softanics

BoxedApp Blog

BoxedApp: Tips'n'Tricks, Examples, Use Cases etc.
Delphi: why TStreamAdapter is not suitable for IStream-based virtual files?
Mon, 03 May 2010 13:36:30 -0400

Hello, One delphi programmer wrote me that he tried to create a IStream-based virtual file using a TStreamAdapter. But it doesn’t work. Why? The reason is quite simple: TStreamAdapter doesn’t provide a correct implementation of IStream.Clone. Check Classes.pas: function TStreamAdapter.Clone(out stm: IStream): HResult; begin Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; IStream.Clone is important method, BoxedApp SDK uses it. But TStreamAdapter just [...]

BoxedApp SDK 2.1, BoxedApp Packer 2.2
Tue, 16 Jun 2009 11:31:51 -0400

Released new versions of products of the BoxedApp series: BoxedApp SDK 2.1, BoxedApp Packer 2.2. [ Download demo versions ] Briefly on what has been done: Virtual registry editor in BoxedApp Packer API for intercepting functions Minor improvements Virtual registry editor in BoxedApp Packer Formerly, all virtual registry operations were carried out in users’ plugins. If it was required to create even [...]

Packing Entire MS PowerPoint Presentation into a Single EXE
Wed, 27 May 2009 03:26:44 -0400

MS PowerPoint allows creating presentations viewable on any computer, even those that do not have the PowerPoint application installed. But what makes it really inconvenient is the necessity to click on the “Accept” button every time you open a file; besides, the number of files is so great… How nice would it be to turn [...]

Launching .NET Applications From Memory
Fri, 10 Apr 2009 08:38:01 -0400

We’ve issued new update of the BoxedApp SDK and BoxedApp Packer, which includes new function BoxedAppSDK_ExecuteDotNetApplication: DWORD BoxedAppSDK_ExecuteDotNetApplication(LPCTSTR szPath, LPCTSTR szArgs); [ Download demo version ] You can launch .net applications from a virtual location (from a real file too, of course). One customer needed to launch FxCop from a memory. We’ve fixed a issue related with FxCop [...]

BoxedApp SDK 2.0.1, BoxedApp Packer 2.1.1
Sat, 31 Jan 2009 06:29:58 -0500

We’ve tested BoxedApp under new Windows from MS, Windows 7. A few issues found and fixed. [FIXED] ShellExecute doesn’t run virtual EXE under Windows 7 [FIXED] ActiveX registering in a virtual registry may not work properly under Windows 7 A small fix for all Windows: [FIXED] Launching a lot of child processes cause memory and handles leak New feature of [...]

BoxedApp SDK 2.0, BoxedApp Packer 2.1
Wed, 28 Jan 2009 09:19:20 -0500

Finally, we have made available the new releases with two extremely interesting features: launching a virtual file-based process shared virtual file system for several processes Launching a virtual file-based process Briefly, having created a virtual file with an embedded exe, you can launch a process upon that file: BoxedAppSDK_Init(); HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(NULL); HRSRC hResInfo = FindResource(hModule, _T("BIN1"), _T("BIN")); HGLOBAL hResData = LoadResource(hModule, [...]

A virtual file based on IStream
Tue, 02 Dec 2008 05:32:02 -0500

Briefly A new function, BoxedAppSDK_CreateVirtualFileBasedOnIStream, has been added to BoxedApp SDK. What For? To provide even greater flexibility, BoxedApp SDK now allows creating virtual files based upon IStream, the standard COM interface. A programmer can now solely define the behavior of a virtual file. The new function is declared as follows: HANDLE BoxedAppSDK_CreateVirtualFileBasedOnIStream( LPCTSTR [...]

C++ / CLI - How To Use Managed C++ DLL when Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is not installed?
Wed, 16 Jul 2008 10:34:49 -0400

If your .NET application uses components written in Managed C++, you face the necessity to distribute Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable with it. If one attempts to launch such application in a system that doesn’t have the corresponding Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable installed, the user will get a warning “This application has failed to start because [...]

Use ActiveX components without registration
Sun, 29 Jun 2008 12:55:55 -0400

Many applications use ActiveX and COM components. But all ActiveXs should be registered in the system registry to be used properly. This is a problem: registration in the registry requires admin rights sometimes registration influences to other applications for example, your application uses Flash 7, but another application requires Flash 9 your application should register an ActiveX at startup [...]

.NET Runtime Embedding
Wed, 11 Jun 2008 04:22:54 -0400

If you are into developing .NET applications, you are likely to know that it requires .NET Runtime to have the success running them. If the runtime suite is not installed, whenever the program attempts to launch, it shows an ugly messagebox notifying you that mscoree.dll could not be found. So, we’ve got a .net application WindowsApplication1.exe, [...]