New, Free 540-page Blackjack book is now available

Press release: Casino Verite Blackjack

Modern Blackjack is a free 540-page web-book covering Blackjack from the basic rules and card counting to advanced topics like shuffle tracking, hole-card play, and team play. The rules of Blackjack are very simple. Nonetheless, an amazing amount can be said about this seemingly trivial game. To keep the book to a reasonable number of pages, many pages have been removed and are kept separately. Otherwise, it would contain over 1,000 pages and you would get carpal tunnel syndrome trying to read it online. There is also a bit of free Blackjack software supplied in conjunction with the advanced topics. Forums are also provided to allow discussions, suggestions, and questions related to the book. Don Schlesinger, author of Blackjack Attack and editor of many of the top Blackjack books, says about Modern Blackjack: "...what Norm fails to tell you is that this monumental work is one of the most important, comprehensive, pieces of research ever done on the game of blackjack, and were it in normal print-book form, would be destined to become one of the all-time classics in the field. It was my pleasure to read the entire manuscript a month or two ago, and I have rarely, if ever, been so impressed with the scholarship and depth of knowledge displayed by a blackjack author. Norm knows that it dismays me that he has decided to give away all of this knowledge for free, but his generosity is your gain. It"s going to take you a long time to go through this treasure-trove of material, but when you"re done, you"re going to know more about the game of casino blackjack than 99.999% of all the people on the planet!" The book can be found at