
The Professional Color Picker: Powerful color adjustment tools and 100% Free

ColorPic is the Free Professional Color Picker. Powerful color adjustment tools let you change individual colors with ease. Adjust RGB, Hue, Saturation and Color Values with four graphical mixers. View CMYK printing color values. Use the screen magnifier for perfect accuracy. Save multiple palettes of colors for use in any application. The latest version introduces the new 'Mixer' section which gives four powerful graphical ways to analyze and change a selected color. Colors can be chosen from a honeycomb of hexagonal shapes, changed with a rainbow or hue based mixer, or adjusted with six individual sliders for Hue, Saturation, Value, Red, Green and Blue color components. ColorPic also reports the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black color values the color is adjusted. The ColorPic allows the user to snap your chosen color to the nearest websafe value, and all this is displayed in the new easy to use layout that maximized screen space. The ColorPic also sports a magnification area that allows you to get super detailed when picking a color. Version four has optimized magnification an easy to use magnification slider, and now allows you to select either a point sample or a 3x3 or 5x5 average color from any place on your screen. Invaluable for any graphic designer or web developer, and consistently the most popular free color picker on the web, the latest version offers powerful color selection tools that have previously been available only in expensive applications.

Changes: The most comprehensive color tools in any free application.

Operating system: Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003

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Special permissions

You may include the software on any CD compilation. You may not sell the software, it is free.


END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR ICONICO SOFTWARE These Terms and Conditions apply to "ColorPic" Carefully read this End User License Agreement ("Agreement") before installing, copying or using this Iconico ("Licensor") software ("Software") product. Any Installation, copy, or use of the Software indicates your full and irrevocable acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

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