
DustKleen automatically cleans scanned images

DustKleen will automatically attempt to identify dust and defects in a scanned image. Occasionally there may be some dust and defects that are not found because they are similar to image content. The DustKleen technology is unique in that it combines the speed of an adjustable automatic correction mode with the flexibility of a manual touch up correction mode. The result is a very fast way for the user to correct the image while viewing the results of their automatic settings and manual touch ups on the screen in real time. Giving the user control over the output and showing the effects of the program, using a before and after view on the screen, is unique to DustKleen. Image restoration is now quick and easy. The dust automatically identified by the program can be highlighted in yellow on the image by turning on the highlight button. By selecting the automatic mode, the user has the ability to adjust sliders for dust size, dust amount, and aggression. The affect of changing one or more of the automatic settings can be seen on the screen after the automatic method recalculates the defects and correction amounts. If additional corrections are desired, the manual touch up mode can be used. In the ‘Manual Touch Up’ mode, the user can adjust sliders for dust size and brush size. The manual ‘Add Touch Up’ mode allows the user to be very precise about which elements of the image are to be corrected. The yellow highlights can be turned on and off to assist in the image correction process. In addition, the user can undo any changes in reverse order that were made to the image. The ‘Undo’ button can only remove the manual corrections. The ‘Undo’ button eliminates all the manual corrections in sequence in order to get to the one that the user needs to adjust. The user may also use the ‘Remove Touch Up’ brush to erase all previous corrections, automatic and manual, in a specific area of the image.

Changes: Initial release.

Minimum requirements: Resolution: 768x1024 or higher; 1GB RAM

Operating system: Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows Vista Home Premium,Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Enterprise,Windows Vista Ultimate,Windows Vista Home Basic x64,Windows Vista Home Premium x64,Windows Vista Business x64,Windows Vista Enterprise x64,Windows Vista Ultimate x64,Windows CE

Program URL: http://www.imagetrendsinc.com/products/prodpage_dust.asp

DustKleen screenshot
