Easy 3D Creator - express yourself creating stunning 3D screen savers with no programming nor complex settigs (www.dzsoft.com)

Press release: Easy 3D Creator

Publisher: DzSoft Ltd

Easy 3D Creator has got a new installation package, making it about 1 MB smaller to download (the new download size is 6 MB). The 30-day trial version is available for free download at http://www.dzsoft.com/easy3d.htm Easy 3D Creator is a unique application that allows you to make stunning 3D screen savers quickly and visually, with no programming or complex settings involved. The creative process of making screen savers with Easy 3D Creator is not only easy, but truly entertaining, people actually have so much fun playing with its settings, that it"s worth to download even if you do not intend to create any screen savers. But Easy 3D Creator wasn"t designed as a toy: serious companies use it to create branded screen savers, either using the built-in wizard or by utilizing third-party 3D and picture editing software. You are absolutely free to distribute screen savers that you create with Easy 3D Creator, it can will even automatically wrap your screen saver into an installer.