HGH Supplements Tracker Software Available For Personal Use

Press release: HGH Supplements Tracker

HGH Supplements Tracker Consumer Products Review (CPR), a leading provider of unbiased product reviews including HGH, today announced the launch of HGH Supplements Tracker software version 1 as freeware. The new software provides a clean interface to track the outcome of taking HGH Supplements over a period of time, including noted benefits such as increased stamina, better focus and more. Michael Bradley, CPR"s Director of Product Reviews says the software accomplishes two critical missions - "The software allows members and consumers alike to clearly track the success of taking HGH supplements and gives the CPR Team a better tool to recommend the supplements that work the best... The software will be a critical asset used to report which HGH products are the most reliable, effective and worthy of our recommendation". Michael, who recently went through a 6 month trial of popular product Woodstock HGH, thinks readers will overwhelmingly use the software - which is free in its current release. To date, CPR has provided reviews and product recommendations based on price, effectiveness, reputation, guarantees and consumer reports. The new software will add another tracking variable which has more structure, and therefore will be more accurate. This is great news for anyone considering taking HGH supplements. Michael says the company plans to incorporate software to track the success of all of its products down the road. HGH Supplements Tracker is just the first step. Those interested in downloading the HGH Tracker software can do so at www.consumerproductsreview.org/hghtracker or any popular download site. About ConsumerProductsReview.Org Consumer Products Review is a free service provided to consumers researching products sold on the Internet including HGH supplements and more. The organization is made up of staff and volunteers all of whom have signed a code of ethics statement to ensure test unbiased reviews. They do not manufacture, sell, or have direct relations with manufacturers of products that are reviewed. They do not accept advertising of any kind. Their reviews are based on testing and research as well as reviews from members. They have been active since 2003.

Source: http://www.consumerproductsreview.org/hghtracker/hgh-tracker-release.txt