
Reveal or copy all those passwords hidden under asterisks in your browser

Type a password in a browser, or let it store your passwords, and you will see asterisks. The passwords are hidden even from your eyes. Click the ISeePass bookmarklet, and all passwords on the page are revealed. Click it again, and get the asterisks restored. Did you forget your password, and while your browser knows and autofills it, you just can't see beneath all those asterisks? Are you convinced that you are typing in the right password, but your browser says it's wrong, and there is no quick way to show what you are typing? Just drag and drop the ISeePass bookmarklet to your bookmarks toolbar, and simply click on it when you need X-ray vision to see or copy the hidden passwords from the current page.

Changes: Brand new release

Minimum requirements: A modern updated browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, etc.)

Operating system: WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinVista,WinVista x64

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Forgot your password, but your browser knows and autofills it? Convinced that you are typing in the right password, but your browser says it's wrong? Click the ISeePass bookmarklet to reveal or copy all those hidden passwords from the current page.

Special permissions

The free version of ISeePass can be freely distributed over the internet in an unchanged form


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