
A Personal Finance Manager and Envelope Budgeting System

IntelliPenny is the easy way to manage your personal or family finances and budget for future expenses. IntelliPenny implements the Envelope System of budgeting allowing you to decide where your money will be spent and allocating funds accordingly. The Envelope System has helped many people tame spending and get on track to eliminate debt. With IntelliPenny you can easily track spending, manage checking, savings, and credit card accounts all in one location, easily reconcile accounts, and import transactions from your financial institutions. In IntelliPenny you can also set up your credit card to be used like a debit card. The money you spend on your credit card will automatically be deducted from your checking account so when you receive the bill at the end of the month the money is already set aside to pay it off. IntelliPenny also allows to you track items you would like to purchase and prioritize those items to help eliminate impulse buys. Bills can be tracked to make sure none are forgotten. A variety of reports are included so you can easily see your spending habits. Link to external documents, spreadsheets, and websites that you use in your financial planning. There is no monthly fee so let IntelliPenny help you get your finances on track and stay on track!

Changes: Added functionality to allow sub-categories.

Minimum requirements: 700 Mhz Processor or higher; 128 MB Ram

Operating system: Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows Vista Home Premium,Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Enterprise,Windows Vista Ultimate,Windows Vista Home Basic x64,Windows Vista Home Premium x64,Windows Vista Business x64,Windows Vista Enterprise x64,Windows Vista Ultimate x64

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