New Method to Acquire Absolute Pitch

Press release: ListeningEarTrainer

For immediate Release New Method to Acquire Absolute Pitch Media Contact: By F. Rudin September 4, 2014 Despite the fact that Absolute Pitch is many times less useful then Relative Pitch, many musicians would like to possess Absolute Pitch. Unfortunately, the time and effort needed to acquire Absolute Pitch is very high. Some even claim it is impossible to acquire Absolute Pitch after early childhood. However, based on the observation that older people are capable and willing to invest five, or ten years to learn a foreign language, we realized that the same must be possible for acquiring Absolute Pitch. Most attempts to acquire Absolute Pitch fail, because there is no pitch-experienced person available that can guide you in building the pitch vocabulary, and because to see progress is not obvious. With our Singing Funnel Method you get pitch feedback that shows you how far away from the target pitch you are. With this information you can learn to control your vocal cords. And thus improve your ability to match pitch. And because we track your daily progress, you stay motivated to continue. The Singing Funnel Method is free up to a precision of 75 cents. Testing the product and reaching that level will urge you to continue to finish the path to the required 50 cents to claim Absolute Pitch. However, we are equally interested in those that give up. Therefore, users of the program ListeningEarTrainer, are kindly asked to export and send us the statistics timeline: this helps us to proof or disapprove the efficiency of our methods. About AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin is a small company located in Ramlinsburg, Switzerland. AlgorithmsAndDatastructures develops software to help individuals to understand music better. Listening-Singing-Teacher with its pitch-tracking algorithm helps you to better control your voice in terms of pitch, rhythm and loudness. The product Listening-Music-Teacher helps you to understand and get the feeling for our Western music system. And Listening-Ear-Trainer supports you in acquiring absolute pitch. Contact For more information please visit F. Rudin Hombergweg 3 CH-4433 Ramlinsburg Switzerland