NT Registry Analyzer for U3 flash drives

Free tool to find incorrect or obsolete information in the registry

The Windows registry is a directory which stores settings and options. It contains information and settings for all the hardware, operating system software, most non-operating system software, users, preferences of the PC, etc. Whenever a user makes changes to Control Panel settings, file associations, system policies, or installed software, the changes are reflected and stored in the registry. The registry also provides a window into the operation of the kernel, exposing runtime information such as performance counters and currently active hardware. Installing/uninstalling/changing software, hardware and drivers never leaves a PC clean. Use NT Registry Analyzer to find and remove incorrect or obsolete information in the registry.

Minimum requirements: Windows 2000,NT,XP,2003,Vista

Operating system: Windows2000,Windows2003,WinXP

Program URL: http://www.new-utilities.net/nt_registry_analyzer_u3.html

NT Registry Analyzer for U3 flash drives screenshot


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