EULA: Navy Midshipmen IE Browser Theme

US Naval Academy Sports IE Browser Theme

We started Brand Thunder to work with some of the world's leading brands to bring you, the Firefox user, REALLY cool themes and extensions.  Based on your response, we are onto something. We employ an incredible team of designers, developers and marketers to work with the brands to bring these bundles to you for free!   

Our primary revenue source is via our search partners, BING and ASK.  Please give their search engines a try - this will help ensure Brand Thunder is around to keep these great bundles coming to you, the fans!  The more you use Yahoo! and ASK, the more themes, tools and cool development we can provide.  Thank you!!  

The boring legal stuff:  By clicking the Accept and Install button below, you are accepting BING as your default search engine and the Brand Thunder End User License Agreement. To review the Brand Thunder End User Agreement, please visit