EULA: Notation Player

Find and convert MIDI files to sheet music.

Software: Notation Player


      By clicking the "YES" button before installing the Notation
      Player software program, you are consenting to be bound by this
      agreement. If you do not agree to all of the terms of this
      agreement, click the "NO" button and the installation process
      will terminate.


      "Software" is defined as the Notation Player software program,
      which includes software components installed by the Notation Player
      setup program. By installing, copying, or otherwise using this
      Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this License
      Agreement.  If you do not agree to the terms of this License
      Agreement, you must immediately terminate your use of this Software
      and you must delete it completely from your computer system, such
      as by using the Uninstall option included in the Windows folder
      that is installed for Notation Player, or by using the Add/Remove
      Programs option in the Windows Settings (Control Panel) folder.

      The Software is licensed, not transferred or sold, to you by
      Notation Software Germany UG (haftungsbeschränkt) ("Notation Software") or its licensed
      marketing agents, and is protected by Federal Republic of Germany copyright and
      intellectual property laws, and the laws of other countries under
      international treaty.

      The License terminates automatically if you fail to comply with
      the limitations described herein. On termination, you must
      destroy all copies of Software and its documentation.

      Notation Software grants you a license to use the Software for as
      long as you use the Software.

      This license does not grant you use of other software products
      sold by Notation Software.

      You may redistribute exact copies of the Notation Player Setup
      program to anyone, and distribute the Notation Player Setup
      program in its unmodified form via electronic means (Internet,
      bulletin boards, shareware distribution libraries, CD-ROMs, etc.).
      Anyone who so receives and installs the Software that has been
      redistributed from you will be subject to the same terms and
      conditions of this License Agreement.

      You may not charge any fee for the copy, use or distribution of
      the Software, except as part of a fee charged to the recipient
      for delivery of the Notation Player Setup program as part of a
      collection of other software trial versions or multimedia content
      delivered on a CD-ROM or DVD or other mass storage device. You
      must clearly represent to the recipient that Notation Software
      is the publisher of the Software.

      You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the
      Software, except and only to the extent that such activity is
      expressly permitted by applicable law, notwithstanding this
      limitation.  You may not alter the software for any purpose,
      including changing the display of the Notation Player
      name and Notation Software's name.

      To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Notation
      Software is not liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or
      consequential damages, including, but not limited to damages for
      loss of business, loss of revenue or profit, lost or damaged data
      or other commercial or economic loss, which arise out of your use
      or inability to use the Software. Some states do not allow the
      limitation and/or exclusion of liability for incidental or
      consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may
      not apply to you.

      5. GENERAL
      This Agreement represents the complete agreement concerning this
      license, and may not be changed except by a signed amendment. If
      any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, such
      provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make
      it enforceable, and the other provisions shall remain in full
      force and effect.  This Agreement shall be governed by the law of the
      Federal Republic of Germany. Place of jurisdiction is Landsberg am Lech, Germany