EULA: Secure Windows Auditor

A Windows security software solution.


Notice: This is a legally binding contract between User (the end user) and Secure Bytes (Company) for Secure Auditor (Software).

Company licenses the enclosed software to User only upon the condition that User accepts all of the terms contained in this license agreement. Please read the terms carefully before opening this package or installing the software as opening the package or installing the software will indicate User assent to them. If User do not agree to these terms then company is un-willing to license the software to User in which event User should return the full product with proof of purchase to licensor or the dealer from whom it was acquired.


The software that accompanies this license including the clip art files (Symbols) (collectively the Software) is the property of Company or its licensors and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property law. Although Company at all times owns the Software, User will have certain rights to use the Software after acceptance of this license except as may be modified by an addendum which may accompany or be added to this license. User rights and obligations with respect to the use of Software are as follows:

User may:

I.	Only allow the specified number of Users to use the Software and documentation as indicated in quantity or number of licenses on the invoice, quotation or electronic confirmation issued by company. User(s) means Licensee, if Licensee is an individual who has purchased the Software for his use at office or home (in which case Licensee's immediate family members residing in the same household shall not be considered additional Users) or if Licensee is a business or commercial entity or government agency its current employees. For qualifying educational institutions Users also means faculty and staff teaching for or employed by Licensee and registered students enrolled at a single campus operated by Licensee. Subject to the limitations of this License each authorized User may only use the Software on any central processing unit (CPU) workstation or portable which is owned or controlled by Licensee.

II.	Use the Software on a network, provided that User has a licensed copy of the Software for each computer that can access the Software over that network.

III.	Use the Software on a personal digital assistant (PDA) such as a Palm computing platform, provided that User has purchased a licensed copy of the Software for each PDA that uses the Software.

User may not:

I.	Rent, lease, distribute, license, or otherwise transfer the Software or its documentation to any other party. User may make a reasonable number of back-up copies for archival purposes only. The Software contains copyrighted material, trade secrets and other proprietary material. If Licensee has the right to duplicate the Software for multiple Users, then Licensee must reproduce on all such copies of the Software the copyright notices and any other proprietary legends that were on the original copy of the Software, or 

II.	Decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, make any attempt to discover the source code of the Software or otherwise reduce the Software to a human perceivable form or to modify network or create derivative works based upon the Software or the documentation in whole or in part is not permit to any other party to do so.

III.	Licensee shall not make copies of the copyrighted Software documentation without the prior written permission of company provided that for electronic transactions. Licensee may make one (1) hard copy of such documentation for each User. 

Technical Support:

Licensee must register in order to be eligible for technical support via electronic mailing in registration card which is attached to the product or use online registration. 

Export Law Assurances:

User agrees and certifies that neither the Software nor any other technical data received from the Company nor the direct product thereof will be exported outside the United States except as authorized and as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United States. If the Software has been rightfully obtained by Licensee outside of the United States User agrees that he will not re-export the Software nor any other technical data received from the Company nor the direct product thereof except as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United States and the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which User obtained the Software.


This License is effective until terminated. Licensee may terminate this License at anytime by destroying all copies of the Software and its documentation. This License will terminate immediately without notice from Secure Bytes if Licensee fails to comply with any provision of this License. Upon termination Licensee must destroy all copies of the Software and its documentation and cease and desist from any further use of the Software.

Limited Warranty:

Company warrants that the media on which the Software is distributed will be free from defects and that the Software shall perform substantially as described in its documentation for a period of fifteen (15) days counted from the day of purchase. Company does not warrant that the Software will meet your requirements or that operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or that the Software will be error-free.

The above warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties whether expresses or implied including the implied warranties of merchantability fitness for a particular purpose and no infringement. This warranty gives user specific legal rights. User may have other rights which vary from state to state.

Disclaimer of Damages:

Regardless of whether any remedy set forth herein fails of its essential purpose in no event will company be liable to User for any special consequential indirect or similar damages including any lost profits or lost data arising out of the use or inability to use the software even if company has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to user. In no case shall company's liability exceed the purchase price for the software. 

The disclaimers and limitations set forth above will apply regardless of whether you accept the Software. 

U.S. Government Restricted Rights: 

Distribution to the U.S. government:

This Software is commercial software developed exclusively at private expense. Use duplication or disclosure by civilian agencies of the U.S. Government shall be in accordance with subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software- Restricted Rights clause at 48 CFR 52.227-19. Use duplication or disclosure by Department of Defense agencies is subject solely to the terms of this software licensing agreement pursuant to DFARS 227.7202. Contractor/manufacturer of the Software is Secure Bytes Company 2961 Dndrus Drive West Chicago, IL  60185.


This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois. This Agreement may only be modified by a license addendum which may accompany or be added to this license. Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement or if you desire to contact Secure Bytes for any reason please write to: Secure Bytes Company 2961 Dndrus Drive West Chicago, IL  60185.