The new version of popular video surveillance software is released: Security Eye 2.0.

Press release: Security Eye

The new version of popular video surveillance software is released. Security eye is a free software for webcams and network cameras monitoring. Keep an eye on your home, place of business; watch your pets or your kids. When motion is detected, the program can create a video recording of the event, take photos, sound an alarm, or send you a email or sms notification. Security Eye is easy to use and extremely reliable for day-to-day operation. Configuration takes only a few minutes, even for a novice.

Video Security Features
- Use motion sensing to trigger recording, or record continuously or periodically.
- Overlay the current date/time
- Use a timer to determine when the system is armed.
- Images are captured as JPEG images, and videos are compressed with xVid encoder.
- Receive alerts via loudspeaker, email, and even SMS message.
- Run Security Eye in background so that only you will know about its operation.
- The software is absolutely free. No hidden charges, limits or ads.
